{% include cta.html %} {% include cta.html type="trial" header="Elevate your guest experience with user-friendly auction software built for schools" paragraph="Check out SchoolAuction.net's select plans" link="https://my.schoolauction.net/free-trial?p=282" btn_text="Browse Plans" %} {% include cta.html style="compact" type="trial" header="Create Auction Experiences That Keep Guests Coming Back for More" paragraph="SchoolAuction.net has the tools to meet all your auction needs." %} {% include cta.html type="demo" %} {% include cta.html type="demo" style="compact" header="Enhance your silent auction with advanced auction software" %} {% include cta.html type="demo" style="compact" header="Make mobile bidding work for your next silent auction" btn_text="Schedule A Personalized Demo" %} {% include cta.html type="demo" style="compact" header="Learn how to raise more for your mission with auction software" btn_text="Talk With Our Experts" %} {% include cta.html type="demo" style="compact" header="Make your next silent auction a knockout." btn_text="Contact Us Today" %} {% include cta.html type="demo" style="compact" header="Need some help planning your next school auction?" btn_text="Book a Free Demo" %} {% include cta.html style="compact" type="demo" header="Looking for auction software to drive high bids with less effort?" %} {% include cta.html style="compact" type="demo" header="Create Auction Experiences That Keep Guests Coming Back for More" paragraph="SchoolAuction.net has the tools to meet all your auction needs." %} {% include cta.html style="compact" type="demo" header="Our Software Elevates Your Silent Auction" %} {% include cta.html type="demo" header="Wow Your Auction Guests With User-Friendly Auction Software" %} {% include cta.html style="compact" type="internal" header="Up Next: Procurement Strategies for Inclusive Auctions" link="/resources/school-auction-guide/inclusive-procurement-strategies/" btn_text="Read About Procurement" %} {% include cta.html type="internal" style="compact" header="Interested in more auction item ideas?" paragraph="Check out our list of 30+ auction items" link="/blog/37-must-have-school-auction-ideas/" btn_text="Read the Blog Post" %} {% include tip.html type="idea" header="Expert Online Auction Tip" paragraph="Combine live and online auctions to maximize revenue. First, host an engaging live auction gala. Then, once the live event is over, host an online auction for the remaining items that were not bid on. This way, you’ll give every item the best chance at bringing in maximal funds." %}