Update: 2/21/16: It’s all fixed now. You can go back to using the green help widget on the side.

Update - 2/20/16: Well, most of it was fixed. There is still an issue between the elev.io serivce (which provides the little help widget along the right side of your auction site) and Zendesk (which provides the help desk software) - they are not successfully talking to each other now. We’ve reported the issue to both companies, and hope they can fix it soon. In the meantime, email your questions and support requests to support@schoolauction.net - we ARE getting those, and the support team is ready to help you.

2/19/16: Today, our support desk software vendor (Zendesk)experienced a service outage.

We had hoped that when service was restored that we would get the support requests that had been rejected during that time. This still might happen, but we don’t have them yet, and we’re starting to think that many or all of them may be lost.

We realize that many of you have auctions this or next weekend, and that the timing of this outage for you could not be worse. We will be working hard to catch up on every lost ticket we can find tonight, but you may want to send these requests again to make sure we get yours.

Our apologies - we know this was a bad systems failure.