The Ultimate Online Auction Planning Guide for Schools

This guide will cover how to plan an online auction for your school.

Online auctions are flexible and engaging events your school can host to raise funds fast. If you’ve never hosted a fundraising auction or are just looking for guidance on how to plan your event, this guide is for you.

We’ll review all the information you need to know to confidently tackle an online auction as well as provide expert advice you can use to take your event to the next level. First, we will start by going through online auction considerations and then take you step-by-step through the process of planning an online auction for your school. Let’s dive in!

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Online Auctions for Schools: Key Considerations

What are the different types of auctions?

Auctions are when select items such as donated items, packages, and experiences are sold to auction participants to raise revenue. There are several possible formats for a school auction, such as:

Depending on your school’s goals and target audience, you may opt to host one or a combination of these online fundraising events throughout the year. That said, for the purposes of this guide, we’ll be focusing on the online auction format due to its convenience and scalability.

Expert Online Auction Tip

Combine live and online auctions to maximize revenue. First, host an engaging live auction gala. Then, once the live event is over, host an online auction for the remaining items that were not bid on. This way, you’ll give every item the best chance at bringing in maximal funds.

What are the benefits of running an online auction?

Online auctions are a popular fundraising solution for schools and other charitable organizations because they:

Expert Online Auction Tip

Use a comprehensive online auction homepage to centralize your event information and keep track of ticket orders. This way, interested parties can find out more information and sign up quickly

What are the drawbacks of online auctions?

Just like any other fundraising event, online auctions also have a few drawbacks your school should be mindful of before committing. These include:

Keep these risks in mind when planning your online event so you can proactively brainstorm solutions. For example, you could create a catalog of your online auction to promote your items ahead of time and give bidders a chance to prioritize their favorite items.

Expert Online Auction Tip

Enhance your online auction experience with engaging software that draws bidders back in. Use built-in features such as raffles and voting contests to hold guests’ attention and diversify your revenue sources.

What should schools look for in online auction software?

Online auctions need reliable software to run smoothly. There are several vendors you can use to make the most of your event, but narrowing down options can be challenging. To simplify the process, we’ve listed the top features an online auction platform should have to make your school fundraiser a success. These include:

Research cost-effective options and don’t be afraid to attend a few demos to fully understand what running an online auction would look like with each vendor. Collaborate as a team to decide which option will work best for you.

Expert Online Auction Tip

Many online auction platforms overcharge for features that you may or may not use. Look for one with flexible pricing options, configurable features, and communicative support to meet your school’s specific needs.

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6 Steps to Run a Successful Online Auction for Your School

Now that you have a handle on the basics of online auctions, review this section for tips on how to run a fun and effective online auction for your school. Here’s a roadmap of where we’re headed:

Shows the steps to plan an online auction for your school as explained in the text below.

1. Set online auction goals

First things first, you’ll want to determine your online auction revenue goal. You can do this by looking into your audience’s historic giving levels and reviewing your previous revenue outcomes from similar online events. Remember to diversify your revenue through raffles or text-to-give options to increase your chances of raising more.

Aside from raising revenue, your online auction can help you accomplish other important goals. Gather your team to decide which related, non-revenue goals you’d like to target. These could include:

When ironing out your goals, it’s best to follow the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) framework. For instance, you might aim to have your online auction raise $5,000 based on your previous online fundraising event outcomes. Other goals could include reaching a new record of 100+ guest signups.

2. Recruit a planning committee

Online auctions work best with team collaboration and support. Staff your committee with passionate and available volunteers who can make your event a success.

Opt for adding more team members with manageable and defined roles rather than giving a few select volunteers the majority of the work. Here are a few volunteer role descriptions you can use to build a reliable team:

When tackled collectively, managing your auction is much easier. Depending on your event format and size, you may add, remove, or adjust committee roles. For instance, an in-person gala event may designate a Decorations Manager while an online auction may have a smaller staff with more technically-focused roles.

3. Procure appealing items

The next stage in organizing your auction is to procure items that will get your target audience excited to bid. If you keep reliable records or have run auctions before, refer to a list of previous years’ top items to begin building this year’s auction item selection.

Next, brainstorm new items by reviewing your audience and considering which items would spark their interest the most. You can review the following criteria to hone in on your guest’s preferences:

When requesting donations, be sure to highlight the impact of each donation and the mutual benefit for item sponsors. For example, if your school is raising money for your afterschool program, you might mention how the auction funds raised will enable your school to look after x amount of kids for parents who work late hours.

Then make sure your item donors know that their business will be highlighted in your auction materials which can increase their brand awareness.

Interested in more auction item ideas?

Check out our list of 30+ auction items

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4. Promote your event on multiple channels

Once you have finalized most of your auction items, it’s time to promote your event. This step is crucial for maximizing attendance and engagement. That’s why it’s best to plan a multi-channel promotional approach that utilizes several channels, including:

Remember to choose an event date that works best for everyone. Running any sort of online event when your community is also focused on different events or key moments in the school calendar (e.g. graduation, spring break) will decrease your participation rates. That’s why it’s important to view your school calendar comprehensively and aim for a time when everyone can easily log in and support your school.

5. Go live

The event day is here! You’ve crossed all the t’s and dotted all the i’s and now it’s time to go live with your online auction. Here are some key event day considerations you can review to ensure everyone stays engaged and you can maximize your auction revenue:

Have your tech team ready to monitor questions and quickly address any concerns. Be sure to include real-time updates as well to let bidders know when opening bids will start and close.

6. Follow-up

Hopefully, your online auction was a successful and memorable time for your school community! To leave a lasting impression and capitalize on your efforts, it’s important to conduct a sufficient follow-up strategy. This includes managing the following items to neatly tie up your event:

Gather your fundraising results, guest data, and marketing strategies into one place for you to refer to for coming years. That way, you’ll have a reliable jumping-off point for future school fundraising events.

Planning your next online auction? has the tools you need to:

  • Maximize revenue
  • Promote your event
  • Engage your school community
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Online Auctions for School Groups: Conclusion and Additional Resources

Running an online auction for your school requires careful planning to engage your community and tap into fundraising results. Use the tips outlined in this guide to choose a format that works best for you and begin planning an unbeatable auction. You’ve got this!

Interested in learning more about school auctions? Expand your knowledge with these resources:

Elevate your guest experience with user-friendly auction software built for schools

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