Our Free, Crowdsourced Project: The Ultimate Donation Database

There is a really great message board over on the PTO Today website that has been going for a few years now, where auction chairs share information on which national or regional companies make donations to fundraising auctions. It’s an amazing resource, and I encourage you to go register for it today.

But there’s also a problem with it; it’s a message board. And so, it is not very easy to find things within it. And pretty quickly, you’ll see that people really want a way to quickly get a list of companies in their area.

So, we had the idea to offer up an instance of our SchoolAuction.net software, which has as a basic feature a database where you can enter donors, to house the same kind of information as is documented there. We didn’t want to (and did not have permission to) simply suck the data out of their message board and import it, and PTO Today was not interested in putting it together as a joint project, so we decided to create the new database as a standalone, separate project, and invite auction chairs from around the country to populate it.

You can see this work-in-progress by clicking the link below:

The Ultimate Donation Database

You have to have a login in order to get to the Donor List; in order to get a login, you need to fill out a short form on the front page. If you do, I’ll send you a temporary login right away, and a personal one for you to use within a few days. And occasionally, I’ll send some news on the project, and on SchoolAuction.net in general. But not too much, and I’ll never give away or sell your information. Promise.

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