True facts: I was an English major in college (Trinity University, class of 1988), and after graduating, I moved to New York City to work in the editorial department at Viking Penguin. I was an Editorial Assistant, and then an Assistant Editor, and then an Associate Editor, and then in 1992, I jumped ship to go become an evangelist and acquiring editor for one of the earliest publishers of electronic books (way, way, WAY before they were ever a viable commercial thing.)

Despite this history, I never really wanted to be an author; I love books, but didn’t really think I had one inside me, waiting to come out.

I guess things have changed; along with blog co-author Delila Olsson, and the fabulous Kathryn Schwartz, I’ve just finished The Guide to Running a Fundraising Auction. It’s chock-full of excellent tips, tricks, and advice on designing, staffing, planning an executing your fundraising auction.

You can buy it in various eReader formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, andKobo. In those formats, it costs $14.95, or you can download a free PDF version here.
