Building a Dream Team: the Org Chart

17 Apr 2013 By Roger Devine

If you are reading this blog, chances are you are already one of the 20% who makes 80% of the action happen. If you’re in that special group of doers, you know the value of getting more parents to participate.

Joining a volunteer team is a great way for parents to get involved, make some news friends in the school community, and make a big difference in ways that really matter to students and families.

This is the second in our series, Building Your School Auction Dream Team. Today’s post provides a clear organizational structure to allow parent volunteers to participate at the level of their comfort while making a meaningful contribution to the cause.

In subsequent posts, I’ll break each Auction Team position down in detail, so you’ll have well-defined roles as you recruit next year’s team of volunteers. Tip: Keep this series of documents in your planning notebook for future reference.

School Auction Dream Team Organizational Chart:

Until next time,

Delila and the Team